13 Times The Undertaker Lost Clean

8. Stone Cold Steve Austin - SummerSlam 1998

Stone Cold the undertaker summerslam 1998

If you take a look at the record books, you'll see that Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker clean in the main event of SummerSlam 1998.

However, it appears that referee Earl Hebner was paid to be ignorant on the night, as he let the Texas Rattlesnake get away with murder that should've seen him disqualified.

The finish of the match saw Austin reverse an Old School into a Stunner for the win. As the Phenom jumped off the top rope, the Stone Cold punched him right in his groin. It happened right in front of the referee, you've never seen a clearer low blow in your life.

However, Earl chose not to acknowledge the blow, and counted a clean three count for an Austin win.

This was a plain and simple singles match, though Taker has a right to still feel aggrieved about how the match ended.

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