13 Worst WCW Botches

11. The Bull Breaks His Tailbone

Johnny €˜The Bull€™ was not a main event player in WCW in 2000. With cuts potentially looming as the company€™s audience began to shrink, like many of the other wrestlers on the midcard Johnny was looking for a way to get himself over with the crowd, to get himself noticed: anything to shore up his job security. In July, while defending his Hardcore championship against the legendary Terry Funk, The Bull attempted to pull off one of his signature moves, a springboard legdrop, on a prone Funker. So far, so good€ except that the move would ordinarily be performed from the apron to the centre of the ring, and Terry Funk was lying on the outside. Johnny had come up with the idea backstage: to reverse the springboard leg drop from outside in, to inside out. Despite his best efforts to get the idea over, however, everyone he spoke to said it was a stupid move. He€™d find out why when he decided to go through with it anyway. A legdrop requires the person performing the manoeuvre to land in a sitting position and, with the added height and velocity of the springboard, the extra three feet of distance to fall, and the hard, unforgiving concrete, landing in a sitting position would not be a pleasant experience.
Johnny seriously hurt his hips performing the move, and worse, actually tore his urethra. Ouch. He would be off television for two months, and from what we hear, he remains in some pain to this day.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.