13 Worst WCW Botches

6. Cardio Is Next

On 31st January 1998, WCW€™s Saturday Night programme saw the undefeated monster Goldberg take on the equally savage Meng in a seven minute match that saw each no-sell the others€™ offence €“ which, of course, was actually a part of their gimmick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxeU_0r4pEg Getting blown up after a few minutes wasn€™t a work, however. Goldberg€™s matches never usually went longer than three minutes, and by six minutes he was gassed and taking rests by pacing the ring. That€™s probably why, at the 8:19 mark, he horribly botches the powerslam that was supposed to mark the beginning of the end of the match, failing to get Meng up and over and dropping him on his head. Seconds later, Goldberg was supposed to take the scrawny Jimmy Hart from the turnbuckle, press him over his head and convert the press into a slam. He would conspicuously fail to get Hart raised to higher than shoulder level, and didn€™t slam him so much as drop him on his head too. Fortunately both men were absolutely fine. Fortunately for Goldberg, Meng didn€™t hold a grudge€ the big former footballer might have played a hard man on television, but Tonga €˜Meng€™ Fifita was legitimately renowned as being the most terrifying man in professional wrestling, legendary for the feats of brutality he€™d pulled off, including actually maiming people with his bare hands in bar fights, and taking on multiple cops at once: no-selling pepper spray to the eyes, snapping handcuffs, that kind of thing.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.