14 In-Ring Wrestling Secrets Jake Roberts Revealed On Stone Cold's Podcast

10. The Lost Art Of Cheating

At one stage, Roberts bemoans the decline of cheating in the modern day WWE, claiming that heels these days are instead more concerned with thumping someone. He's got a point; wrestlers such as Lesnar, Rusev and Owens are all billed as power-based monsters, capable of causing major damage without bending the rules. Even Seth Rollins, so often booked as a snivelling coward of a champion, is far more likely to nail a suicide dive or superplex than pull someone's hair or use the ropes for leverage. Austin presses Jake for the secret to good heelwork, and he replies "It's the way you do it; the sneakiness of it or the facials with it", rather than the actual act itself.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.