14 In-Ring Wrestling Secrets Jake Roberts Revealed On Stone Cold's Podcast

6. How To "Powder"

Austin explains that 'powdering' refers to the practice of exiting the ring for a quick breather, and the pair agree that it can be used by both a babyface and heel - but is more commonly used as an infuriating sign of cowardice, intended to frustrate the crowd and build up heat against the bad guy. Roberts believes the secret to powdering is all about two things: timing and performance. The former simply involves taking a break to cut off the face's momentum, something many modern day WWE heels do well. However, Jake believes that the reaction of the fleeing wrestler is often wrong. Many heels get irrationally infuriated or intimidated when temporarily escaping the babyface's clutches, mugging in a fearful or intense manner on the outside. Roberts instead believes that it's more effective to deliberately take one's time, perhaps even smiling or laughing at the opponent to infuriate the fans.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.