14 Times Really Weird Sh*t Went Down At WrestleMania 32

12. Is Wade Barrett Made Of Papier Mâché?

wade barrett bootyo.jpg

The New Day vs. League Of Nations scrap was billed and advertised as a four-on-three handicap match, and all four of The Lads duly showed up to the show for promotional duties in matching t-shirts and gear… yet when their match cropped up on the card, it had been changed to a traditional six-man tag match, with perennial sad sack Wade ‘King For A Day’ Barrett relegated to the role of enthusiastic ringside hype man for his faction.

This isn’t the first time that Barrett has been sidelined - last time, it was because he’d supposedly hurt his neck. So is he cleared to wrestle or not? We know he’s leaving in the summer, and he’s clearly fit enough to take all the finishers from the retirees that came in to attack the League in the post-match crowdpleaser. He can’t be that fragile, can he?

The question is, is Barrett leaving the WWE because he’s fed up with being booked to appear less effective than a fishnet condom (as everyone assumed), or because he legitimately can’t wrestle anymore?


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.