14 Wrestlers With Winning Records Over Hulk Hogan

1. Bob Armstrong

The Mountie Hulk Hogan

Hulkamania was to many people the big bang of the North American pro wrestling history.

Entire swathes of history have been all but erased, such was Hulk Hogan's star power and the technicolour era he ushered in. Because wrestling as you know it practically began in parallel with Hogan - pay-per-view, lavish production values, home video - wrestling itself might as well have. Compounding that phenomenon, the rise of Hulkamania was a convenient start date for Vince McMahon and his revisionist history exercise, too: it was his first big hit.

(As with so much else, it wasn't actually his.)

When he was on the come-up as Sterling Golden - which, fittingly for a guy whose selling routine involved shaking liquid from his hair when moving his head from side-to-side, reads like a dog breed - Hogan wasn't yet the all-conquering hero, the man who always won lol.

To underscore that, he did a job down in Georgia for Bob Armstrong back in 1979.


Michael Sidgwick is an editor, writer and podcaster for WhatCulture Wrestling. With over seven years of experience in wrestling analysis, Michael was published in the influential institution that was Power Slam magazine, and specialises in providing insights into All Elite Wrestling - so much so that he wrote a book about the subject. You can order Becoming All Elite: The Rise Of AEW on Amazon. Possessing a deep knowledge also of WWE, WCW, ECW and New Japan Pro Wrestling, Michael’s work has been publicly praised by former AEW World Champions Kenny Omega and MJF, and current Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. When he isn’t putting your finger on why things are the way they are in the endlessly fascinating world of professional wrestling, Michael wraps his own around a hand grinder to explore the world of specialty coffee. Follow Michael on X (formerly known as Twitter) @MSidgwick for more!