14 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (Jan 28)

1. It's The Feud Everybody Wanted

Say what you want about the idiocy of bringing out Big Show for no reason whatsoever, or the ludicrous notion that he could save any day, that moment when he stood bursting out of his singlet face to face with Strowman was a thing of beauty. Two prime sides of beef standing toe to toe on the canvas, the air heavy with the smell of meat... It was like a movement-less ballet of two grumpy Earth movers. It would never be a thing of technical beauty, but just imagine the glorious site of the two running into each other in a torrent of man-flesh, destroying the ring, the arena, the audience and each other, probably. That's precisely what might well be happening at WrestleMania 32. What a world. What else did you spot on Smackdown? Share your WTF moments below in the comments thread.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.