14 WWE Wrestlers Who Only Cared About The Money

3. Batista

Dave Batista was already over thirty years old when he started out with WWE. Pro wrestling hadn't been his passion, and it was more like something he thought he could make a bit of money in with his bodybuilder look. He was right, it was something he could make money in. He ended up making millions, only to leave in 2010 due to concerns about the PG era. A big money offer of winning the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania 30's main event then convinced him to return in 2014. However, the return was a miserable failure. Fans turned on Batista, sending him heel and forcing WWE to put Daniel Bryan over in the main event of Mania 30. Uninterested in being part of this new direction, Batista left WWE shortly afterwards. No doubt it would have been a different story had he been in that big earning champion spot.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.