15 Awesomely Ridiculous Pro Wrestling Photos

11. WCW Tag Team Champion Judy Bagwell

The moment where you could pinpoint WCW freefalling was, well, pretty much this right here. Rick Steiner teamed with Buff Bagwell in a tag title shot against Scott Hall and The Giant (Big Show) and Buff turned on Steiner, but Buff still won. So he needed a new partner. He picked Kenny Kaos of High Voltage, a jobber team, because his partner, Robbie Rage, was injured, and...uh...DDP had dubbed High Voltage the next Steiner Brothers, maybe? Well, he got hurt, too, so Steiner gave Kaos's belt to Buff's mom, Judy Bagwell. Why? Because WCW, that's why. Over the years, some fans have claimed that Steiner was just letting Judy wear the belt for fun at the end of the segment. But remember, we as fans were coming off Steiner being allowed to choose a replacement co-champion, and that champion was gone. The implication most fans got was that an old lady was now a champion.

10. Sweetness?

It's obvious where and when this was taken: NFL legend "Sweetness" Walter Peyton cornered Razor Ramon in his match against Diesel at SummerSlam '94 in Chicago. Japanese women's wrestling legend Bull Nakano, pictured with Peyton, wrestled Alundra Blayze for the WWF Women's Championship on the card. So it's not so weird that they were in the same place at the same time. But who decided to take the picture? Would Nakano know who he was? Did he just want a picture with the crazy looking lady? Did someone take it as a rib? Regardless, it's kind of awesome.

9. One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other...

This is more pathetic than anything. WCW advertised a reunion of the original Four Horsemen, they couldn't sign Tully Blanchard, and they replaced him with former preliminary WWF wrestler Paul Roma. Look at how out of place he is here. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are looking like total bosses as always while Roma stands there with a confused look on his face. Is he happy? Sad? Angry? He was a very good athlete with a good physique, but he never really put it together, especially in the personality department. Yet for some reason, someone had the bright idea to put him in a group with the two biggest legends and best talkers active in the promotion. Why? Because WCW.

Formerly the site manager of Cageside Seats and the WWE Team Leader at Bleacher Report, David Bixenspan has been writing professionally about WWE, UFC, and other pop culture since 2009. He's currently WhatCulture's U.S. Editor and also serves as the lead writer of Figure Four Weekly and a monthly contributor to Fighting Spirit Magazine.