15 Big Talking Points You Need To Hear From Survivor Series 2014

7. A TLC Advert

Ambrose vs Wyatt was basically a big advert for TLC. Their match was building to be something good, it started out an intense and athletic pace. Then Wyatt paused to cut a promo, before bringing a chair into the match. Ambrose then used the chair, which gave Wyatt the win by DQ. That was a pretty underwhelming finish, but it made sense. After the match, Ambrose used more chairs and put Wyatt through a table. The implication was clear, these two are headed for a war at TLC. Later in the night, WWE confirmed the match was booked. Hopefully fans who got the taster of free Network month will stick around for the real thing in December. You can understand WWE's logic there.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.