15 Big Talking Points You Need To Hear From Survivor Series 2014

8. The Undercard

On the subject of the Survivor Series undercard, it really was pretty grim. Fandango defeated Justin Gabriel in a short nothing match on the preshow. In a second preshow match, Cesaro tapped out to Jack Swagger's ankle lock in a brief but ok effort. Cesaro's career free-fall continues. The show opened with a McMahon family segment that can only be described as Sunday Night Raw. Mizdow's tag title victory over the 'Dusts, Usos and Matadores was on first. Then WWE put on the diva elimination match, which was dangerously bad when the more inexperienced girls were in the ring. It was alright when Paige or Natalya were in there. More on Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt on the next page, but unfortunately they didn't get chance to deliver. Adam Rose and The Bunny defeated Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil when Bunny pinned Slater. This was short and bad, so the less said the better. AJ Vs Nikki was half a minute and more of an angle than a match. So that's a pretty terrible undercard on the whole. Thankfully, an action packed main event will have sweetened the show for some fans.
WWE Writer

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