15 Big Talking Points You Need To Hear From Survivor Series 2014

3. Ziggler Is The Man

WWE used Survivor Series to put over Dolph Ziggler big time. After seemingly ages in the WWE doghouse, he's now getting a second stab at a main event push. He was the story of the night. All the best action of Team Cena vs Team Authority was when Ziggler was exchanging with Rollins. To actually get the most pins and be the sole survivor was a major elevation for Dolph. Hopefully WWE run with his momentum. Rusev also got a bit of a push in the main event. He was only eliminated via count out, so it wasn't like he was defeated. Rollins looked great too. That's three guys who WWE can really get behind: Ziggler, Rusev and Rollins. It was an exciting main event, with plenty of drama and action.
WWE Writer

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