16 Classic WWE Finishers That Can't Win A Match In 2015

1. DDT

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RbipSaeAk8 Used To Deadly Effect By: Jake Roberts, Arn Anderson, Raven, Tommy Dreamer Routinely cited among the greatest finishing maneuvers of all time, the DDT has nevertheless suffered a truly prodigious amount of badass decay. Once the ultimate one-hit kill of Jake Roberts, the standard DDT is rarely even seen anymore, and not even embellishments of it can end a match. These days, a springboard flying tornado DDT will get you a long two count (or one and a half in Lucha Underground). Dean Ambrose can still get a win with his double underhook DDT (when he can get a win) and Seth Rollins used a really goofy version between his Curb Stomp and Pedigree phases, but the best way to get a win with a DDT these days is to have been using it before it got overexposed.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.