15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Triple H

9. He Wanted Edge Fired Too

It seems that if you were a threat to Triple H's standing as number one guy in the company, the Cerebral Assassin would look for any excuse to get you fired... Edge was another one of the Game's targets back in 2005 in the aftermath of the whole Matt Hardy and Lita cheating scandal.

A wrestling locker room is often built on trust and brotherhood, so the actions of Edge and Lita were heavily frowned upon by those in the WWE - none more so than Hunter.

HHH reportedly believed that since Edge betrayed Hardy that he should be the one to bite the dust. However, when all the dust had cleared on the situation, HHH was overruled and it was the Hardy Boy who was let go.

Triple H was never a fan of Edge, apparently. The Game reportedly refused to feud with the Rated R Superstar in 2006 because "the time wasn't right," although it's strongly believed that there were deeper motives behind his reluctance...

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.