15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Triple H

8. He Lost In 100 Seconds At WrestleMania

Yes, Triple H, the man who buried everyone in front of him, lost on the grandest stage of them all in 100 seconds. This is starting to sound like a bit of a Game love-in, isn't it? Basically, Hunter hit Warrior with a few punches; hit him with a Pedigree but saw the Ultimate one get right back up on his feet; received with a few clotheslines, a flying shoulder tackle, a Gorilla Press slam and a splash to the back. And to top it all off Warrior pinned HHH by resting his knees on The Connecticut Blue Blood's chest. Just to rub it all in... The Game has often talked about his displeasure of doing business with Warrior at Mania 12, but put all that to one side to reconnect one of the biggest names in the business' history with WWE via the 2014 Hall of Fame.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.