15 Most Important WWE Raw Episodes In History

1. Austin Vs McMahon - April 13th, 1998

This is it, the most important Raw episode in WWE history, the night that WCW's 84 week ratings winning streak came crashing to a halt. For WWE, it was more than just a victory, it was the future of their company secured. After years of looking close to extinction, this was the Raw that really established the WWF as the industry powerhouse. Nitro would bounce back a few times, but would never really recover. This episode was the first time that Raw had won over Nitro since May 27 1996. The ratings were 4.6 to McMahon, and 4.3 to Bischoff. Bryan Alvarez states in The Death Of WCW - "Bischoff went nuclear." The Raw episode had been built around an Austin versus McMahon match, but the bout didn't actually end up taking place, and in the end it was considered a bit of a disappointing show. Nevertheless, the importance of turning the tide in the Monday night war makes it the most important episode of Raw in WWE history.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.