15 Most Notoriously Unstable Wrestling Stars

8. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy Hates CM Punk While Jeff Hardy is thankfully another redemption story, his demons led him down the road of becoming one of the most notorious and unstable talents of the past decade. Hardy€™s problems led to him getting fired from the WWE twice, and even being sent to prison. And while he hasn€™t been fired from TNA he has certainly done his fair share of alienating their fan base. Hardy€™s nadir came in 2011 at TNA€™s Victory Road PPV. Scheduled to be in the main event, Hardy showed up at the arena in €˜no condition to perform€™, which is corporate speak for €˜bombed beyond belief€™. He swayed and ambled his way out to meet Sting, who looked as if he was about ready to murder the young high flyer. A panicked Eric Bischoff came out to try and change the plan on the fly, but Sting took matters into his own hands and covered a surprised Hardy, ending the PPV early to the wrath of a stunned live audience, and an irate home audience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiA65OUNpIM There was a silver lining to this affair though €“ TNA finally realised they had to do something about Hardy€™s instability and addiction and sent him home to get help, rather than just enabling him. This was Hardy€™s rock bottom point and since shortly after this point he has been clean and has worked hard at redeeming himself not just in the company€™s eyes, but also in the eyes of the fans. It could have been so much worse than how it turned out, but luckily we get to see Hardy still rather than simply remembering a wasted talent.
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Jeff Hardy
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