15 Most Shocking WrestleMania Moments Of All Time

6. Bret Hart And Steve Austin Do A Double Turn At WrestleMania 13

One match changed the course of WWF history, and in the eyes of the fans, each wrestler ended the match in a completely different light than he started. The seeds for Bret's heel turn were slowly planted ever since Bret returned to the WWF in late 1996. He started complaining loudly whenever he had perceived an injustice against him, and even quit the company the night after the Royal Rumble. Austin, however, wasn't really teasing a babyface turn. In fact, he was dastardly as ever. Still, fans were slowly coming around to Austin's no-nonsense attitude. However, even though change was progressing slowly, over the course of the match between Hart and Austin, the transition went into hyperdrive. By using the ringbell, and refusing to release the Sharpshooter, Bret went from beloved to reviled. And by refusing to give up, fighting until the very end, Austin became a folk hero. That turn of events was incredibly shocking.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.