15 Most Shocking WrestleMania Moments Of All Time

5. Steve Austin, The Rock, And Hulk Hogan At WrestleMania XXX

If you were to put up a Mount Rushmore of professional wrestlers, the fourth could be up for debate. Maybe it could be Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, or even John Cena. But there's no denying that the other three heads are Steve Austin, The Rock, and Hulk Hogan. And with the exception of a throwaway handicap match the Raw before WrestleMania 18, all three men had never been in the same ring at the same time in any meaningful moment. Hulk Hogan came out to kick off Wrestlemania XXX as its host. After incorrectly referring to the building that he was in as the Silverdome (they were in the Superdome), he was interrupted by Steve Austin. Now, this moment in and of itself was monumental. A lot of people believe it should have been Austin, not Rock, to face Hogan in the dream match at WrestleMania 18. There was even some teasing of the two facing off at WrestleMania 22. So the moment was awesome enough. The addition of The Rock, who wasn't previously advertised for the event, was the cherry on top. Even though they didn't get physical with each other, simply the sight of the three in the ring was enough to have the fans chanting "This is awesome."

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.