15 Phantom WWE World Title Changes

13. John Cena €“ Night Of Champions 2012

One year after the infamous €œSummer of Punk€ that saw the CM Punk turn the WWE upside down and walk out with the WWE Championship belt in toe, the €œStraight Edge Superstar€ was once again making headlines atop the wrestling world, wearing WWE Championship gold for the second time. His partner in crime sharing those headlines was once again John Cena; the same man who had stood opposite Punk during their memorable showdowns at Money in the Bank and SummerSlam the year before. Both encounters had ended in controversial fashion and their match at Night of Champions 2012 would prove to be no different. Recapturing much of the magic of their 2011 €œFeud of the Year€, the chemistry between the two men made for an entertaining collision of near falls and trademark moves; which made the eventual finish all the more puzzling. Despite not being famed for his suplexing ability, Cena would attempt an uncharacteristic German Suplex on the champ as he sat prone on the top turnbuckle. Unsurprisingly, Cena€™s delivery of the unfamiliar move would be ugly; what was surprising was the pinfall that followed. Maintaining his waistlock on the defending champ, Cena would immediately follow the move up by pinning his opponent€™s shoulders to the mat. Three slaps of the canvas later and a new champion was declared with Cena€™s hand raised in victory. €œThe Champ€ was here once again......if only temporarily, at least. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xv6fb9_cm-punk-vs-john-cena-wwe-championship-night-of-champions-2012-vo_sport Replays would reveal that Cena had neglected to bridge onto his neck during the pin attempt, leaving his own shoulders pressed against the mat at the same time causing a double pinfall. The match was ruled a draw and the new champion was forced to relinquish his newly won title in front of his hometown crowd in Boston. Cena would get a taste of the gold, however...when Punk drilled it into his mouth moments later; rearranging the face of the WWE and adding injury to insult once more. Punk would go on to hold the strap until the following January, where he would eventually be defeated by The Rock; thus ending Punk€™s historic 434 day reign as champ. Ironically, his match with Rock would also end with a double-finish; with €œThe People€™s Champ€ picking up the victory after Mr McMahon had restarted the match due to outside interference from The Shield. Karma, eh?
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Owen Hart
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!