15 Phantom WWE World Title Changes

12. The Miz €“ WWE Raw (May 2nd, 2011)

In a world of giants, tough guys and superior athletes, The Miz stands out as a peculiar addition to the WWE roster. At 6€™1 with an average build, Mike Mizanin is far too small to be considered a €œbig man€ both in height and stature, while still being too oversized to stray into cruiserweight territory. Meanwhile, without possessing superior athleticism or any amateur credentials to qualify as a believable €œwrestler€ (ala Kurt Angle/Daniel Bryan) and little agility or aerial ability to be a stand-out €œflyer€ (ala Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho), The Miz seems to float in wrestling limbo as spectacularly average in the heavyweight scene. Even smaller, less technical main-eventers like Roddy Piper and Dean Ambrose had a maniacal edge of danger to their personality. Miz€™s character lacks any kind of believable intimidation factor that would allow the viewer to buy into him as a credible champion; which is all the more reason he seemed so out of place when he sat atop the WWE Championship throne in 2010. Seeing Miz inexplicably thrust into the limelight to win the WWE Title wasn€™t just a €œsquare peg in a round hole€ scenario; it was the WWE€™s equivalent of a forcing a house brick through a wedding ring. Nevertheless, The Miz would miraculously hold the WWE Championship for a head-scratching 160 days before eventually losing the WWE Title to John Cena at Extreme Rules 2011 in three-way cage match (also featuring Miz€™s former tag partner, John Morrison). Miz would invoke his rematch clause the very next night; setting up a one-on-one encounter with the newly crowned champion in a rematch of the WrestleMania 27 main event. The subsequent match itself was seen by many as an improvement on their effort a month earlier; however €“ much like their Mania battle €“ it would once again end in controversial circumstances. Die hard Miz ally, Alex Riley, eventually made his ringside presence felt; distracting the referee long enough for The Miz to take hold of the belt and introduce it to the champ€™s cranium. One swift cover later and The Miz had reclaimed the gold he€™d lost just 24 hours earlier €“ much to the joy of Riley (and the dismay of virtually everyone else in the wrestling world). But as quickly as he€™d seemingly regained the belt, the title was once again taken away. During the celebration with Riley, Miz was caught with the figurative €œsmoking gun€ in hand; found holding the belt the moment the bell had rung without presentation by the official. Referee, Mike Chioda, quickly read between the lines and ruled the pinfall a dud finish; overruling his own decision and declaring Cena the winner via disqualification. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiRsyZ0wuGs A fired up Cena quickly took his aggression out on Riley and the pretending champ with a barrage of clotheslines before nailing his adversaries with a pair of Attitude Adjusting €œFUs€ to send the crowd home happy; safe in the knowledge that Miz would not wear WWE Title gold again. Awesome.
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Owen Hart
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!