15 Reasons Why Scott Steiner Is The Original Beast Of Wrestling

6. The Backflip Fall-Away Slam

Okay, we get it – Steiner was a genuine genetic freak of nature when it came to sheer athleticism; but a list of Steiner’s...badass-ery can’t be complete without including one last grappling innovation. Once again displaying his unparalleled creativity, Steiner would combine the Fall-away Slam with a Standing Moonsault to create another crazy package of pain – the Backflip Fall-away Slam.

One of the more forgotten moves of Steiner’s arsenal, the Backflip Fall-away Slam was the complete antithesis of the Screwdriver in that it wasn’t his opponent that was placed in grave danger but Steiner himself. Often performing the move on men of a similar size to himself, it wasn’t unusual to see Scott land on his neck during the execution of the move in cringe-inducing fashion and it was nothing short of a miracle that he didn’t break his neck as a result.

Unlike his other signature moves, the Backflip Fall-away Slam has remained dormant since the early nineties, where it is now all but certain to remain. Nevertheless, the move is yet another example of Steiner’s innovative offense; proving once again that Scott Steiner was not only a trailblazer for muscular athletes in the industry but also a true pioneer for inventing new moves.

Steiner ripped up the rule book with his combination of extreme power, awe-inspiring strength and near-cruiserweight agility; a stark contrast to many of his peers and contemporaries on the scene at the time. With such innovations commonplace, Steiner in his prime had a moveset so versatile it could rival anyone in the sport’s history.

Holla if ya’ hear me!

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!