15 Reasons Why Scott Steiner Is The Original Beast Of Wrestling

5. Intimidation Factor

Scott Steiner WWE

At six foot one and well over 270 lbs of pure muscle mass, one look at Scott Steiner is enough to make it instantly clear that he is one guy you don’t want to f**k with. To paraphrase the “King of Pop”; he’s bad, he knows it – shamone.

Possessing possibly the largest arms in wrestling history, Steiner accessorised his intimidating physique with possibly the shortest fuse in wrestling history; making him one of the most volatile performers in the game. Throw in some black shades, bleach blonde goatee and chainmail headgear for good measure and you have yourself a serious badass of the biz.

Such was the level of Scotty Steiner’s intimidation, long-time Bill Watts ally, Jim Ross, has gone on record as stating that Watts used to carry a gun in his briefcase during his tenure at WCW, almost exclusively due to his weariness of Steiner. Meanwhile, Mick Foley regularly recounts his WCW debut against the Steiner Brothers as part of his comedy shows; making light of the fact that booker, Kevin Sullivan, prefaced their conversation regarding the bout’s finish with the proviso “If you’re still conscious…” Poor Mick.

Even today, Steiner is still a physically imposing figure in his fifties; having miraculously lost little of his size or definition. Despite this fact, Scotty has attempted to combat any perceived signs of aging by replacing any diminished muscle mass with ink. The addition of several new tattoos further adds to his tough guy image and the now heavily-inked Michigan man is still as intimidating as ever – if not more so.

Steiner has always demanded respect from the moment he walks the aisle and is still making headlines to this day with his own unique display of outrageous “fan interaction”; whether it’s shoving a mouthy fan at ringside or dropping unscripted F-bombs over a live house mic. Steiner unashamedly plays by his own rules and it would take a very brave or very stupid man to try and tell him otherwise.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!