15 Reasons Why Scott Steiner Is The Original Beast Of Wrestling

15. 100% Legit

Scott Steiner Rick Steiner

The stories of Scott Steiner’s tough guy antics are beyond legendary. From brutalising jobbers and calling out Bill Watts in the early 90s to manhandling Diamond Dallas Page and confronting Ric Flair behind the scenes during the latter days of WCW, Steiner has enough well-documented incidents to solidify his hardman reputation in granite. There’s no two ways about it - he’s one bad dude.

While many others have just looked the part of a pro wrestler, “Freakzilla” was the textbook definition one. Beyond the shades and chainmail, Steiner was an accomplished grappler in the amateur ranks, a legitimate NCAA Division I All American and had the genuine skills to back up his look. Unrivalled intensity and brutish strength made him a powerhouse of the squared circle throughout the 90s and his reputation would precede him wherever he went. In a sport built on illusion, he was as legit as they came.

Very few men can boast legit one-upmanship on the former collegiate kingpin and even fewer would have the balls to boast such a claim if they did. Even from a kayfabe standpoint, at a time in WCW when Bill Goldberg was virtually untouchable on-screen, Scott Steiner stood out as the only man who could not only pose a realistic threat to “Da Man”, but could also surpass him on many levels; from imposing look and genetic muscularity to technical mat skills and even raw power.

Even today, the legend of Steiner’s bad temper and short fuse continues, most recently when “Freakzilla” took his well-documented hatred for Hulk Hogan to the next level when he confronted Hogan’s wife during WrestleMania week in 2015 with some choice words for the Hulkster. The incident led to Steiner being banned from the 2015 Hall of Fame ceremony; with WWE even going as far as putting pictures of Steiner up behind the security desk to ensure he was denied entry...because the bleach blonde colossus is obviously not recognisable enough without the aid of a picture.

What’s more, the sheer longevity of Steiner’s career and proven ability to rebound from injury – as well as wrestle through injury – makes him one of the toughest wrestlers to ever grace the squared circle. And if anyone disagrees with that statement, feel free to take it up with Mr Steiner personally.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!