15 Most Ridiculous WWE Action Figures Released In 2014

14. Batista Elite 33

Sigh. This one is weird because if it was Batista in his regular black ring gear then we€™d understand. In 2014 WWE completely misfired and mishandled his comeback so it wouldn€™t surprise us if they had a bunch of action figures leftover thinking they€™d fly off the shelf. That would actually make some sense. But this is Bluetista €“ the ridiculed and reviled version of Batista that gave every wrestling podcast on the internet comedy gold for weeks on end, and gave creative fans hilarious new chants to aim the Animal. WWE obviously heard this enormous tidal wave of disapproval and decided €˜yup producing this toy should annoy some people€™, so they then went ahead and greenlit it. Oh, and if you think we€™re joking, on their website it literally said €˜Yes Bluetista is coming - deal with it€™. Can€™t really sum up the problems with WWE more than that.
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