15 Most Ridiculous WWE Action Figures Released In 2014

13. Ric Flair Classic Superstar 2008 Re-Release

Yes we are cheating with this one a bit because it originally was released in 2008. But for some surreal reason the Fed thought that re-releasing this train wreck of a Ric Flair figure would be a perfect way to celebrate the release of the WWE Network. So really this is in fact even worse than it simply being an original release, because rather than coming up with a decent Flair figure, they thought they€™d just go into the archives and regurgitate this mess. The robe design is bad enough €“ this is less nature boy, than it is my 90 year old Grandmother. But also, what is with the kissy face? Who was this modelled off? It looks more Miley Cyrus than the Nature Boy. In 2008 there may not have been a term for this pose, but today we do €“ it€™s called Duck Face, and it is not befitting a memorial to arguably the greatest of all time.
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