15 Things We Learned From Vince McMahon's Docuseries On Netflix

2. Paul Heyman’s Story About Vince & Shane

Vince McMahon Netflix

In some respects, Shane was like Vince. He only ever wanted love from his father and for Vince to be proud of him. That makes one story told by master narrator Paul Heyman even more heartbreaking. Heyman recalled seeing Vince and Shane having a tense discussion backstage, and things "escalated really fast".

It was a disagreement over something creative. Vince was eating, so took his knife and handed it to Shane then said: “Right there. If you want this so bad, stick the dagger right here, because that’s what you’re gonna have to do to make that decision. If you don’t stick the dagger right here, then I’ll know you’re not man enough to do it, and I have to take that into consideration as well. Or, you can buy me out the way I bought out my father!”.

There's surely some embellishment there, but it’s a gripping story.

Shane also wanted to purchase UFC at one point, but Vince said no. The McMahon patriarch added that “everyone needs to know their place”, then says people should think twice before bringing their family into business. Netflix puts a different spin on this by showing Vince hugging Shane after his comeback match at WrestleMania 32.

It's obvious that meant everything to Shane.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.