15 Things We Learned From Vince McMahon's Docuseries On Netflix

3. The Wild ‘I Have 3 Brains’ Brag

Vince McMahon Netflix

The opening minute of the doc's final episode will grip you straight away.

It kicks off with a bragging Vince (in full on 'we make movies' swagger) talking about how he has up to three different brains talking all at once inside his head. “There’s a third one. If I wanted to tap into it, I could”, he offers. The producers ask him what that brain is thinking about right now. “Sex”.

Boy, this hasn’t aged well given everything that’s happened since and the allegations of sexual misconduct, assault and trafficking put against McMahon. It's also outlandish. Vince is presumably trying to explain that he thinks on a deeper level to most around him, and is capable of multitasking. Unfortunately, his brag just comes across as a bit creepy.

A lot of people can multitask and split focus across different things simultaneously. That's a skill, but...was the "sex" comment really necessary here? You can almost see the Netflix producers staring awkwardly then seeing dollar signs as McMahon turns himself into a caricature.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.