15 Things We Learned From Vince McMahon's Docuseries On Netflix

14. He Never Had THIS Conversation With Vince Sr

Vince McMahon Netflix

Vince Jr didn’t meet his father until he was 12 years old. He grew up in an abusive home with his mother and step-father, and described Vince Sr as having “a glow” about him when they finally came together. Indeed, the first meeting was “different” - young Vince hugged old, but didn’t get much affection back.

Some of the kid's most pressing questions would remain unanswered right up until Sr's death in 1984. When around one another, both men strictly talked business for the most part. Eventually, Sr told Jr that he was proud of him despite taking the company in a direction he didn’t approve of. Vince Sr also told his son he loved him the day before he died, which meant the world to McMahon.

Vince didn't linger on that moment too long.

It's almost like he realised he was opening up far too much to complete strangers. That's another thing. There's this constant inner battle from McMahon's side. He gets defensive easily, and appears to view being 'touchy feely' emotionally as a weakness. Remember that the more you read.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.