15 Things You Forgot About Triple H's Rise To Power In WWE

6. Montreal Was His Idea

In his backstage role as an informal creative consultant, Triple H was involved in all the major discussions around the Montreal Screwjob. Ultimately, what went down, ended up being his suggestion. Shawn Michaels confirmed this in 2011's excellent Shawn Vs Bret DVD release."F*** him, if he won't do business then we'll do it for him." Hunter reportedly put forth. The WWE Chairman had already been thinking this, and Vince Russo had also informally thrown it out there. But Hunter's suggestion was the first concrete statement that the course of action should be a screwjob. This was arguably the night that Hunter truly earned his stature in WWE. He proved that he could deal with top level situations, he was almost taking a point of leadership on the issue. Times like this proved that he had the stomach to be a leader, and nearly two decades after Montreal, he looks primed to take over the WWE. Leadership and decision making just comes naturally to him. Montreal was proof that Hunter was involved in WWE power situations way before Stephanie McMahon arrived on the scene.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.