15 Things You Forgot About Triple H's Rise To Power In WWE
4. He Was The Best Wrestler In The World For 2000
Triple H gets some heat for being an overrated wrestle, but on reflection, the only poor years he ever had were 2002 and 2003. Even then, he still had some classics, such as his street fight with Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam 2002. Looking at it his career overall, you've got to admit he's one of the best ever. How many people can boast a career that went over a decade of main even matches? How many great matches did he have along the way? His contests with Benoit, Michaels, Rock, Foley, Undertaker to name just a few. It isn't just that he's a technical wrestler who works with storytelling purpose, he's also one of the best mic workers of the last generation. When this guy cuts a promo, you know you're going to sit there and listen. What critics of his matches and promos should remember is his epic year in 2000. He was undoubtedly the best wrestler in the world that year. Even international publications like Power Slam named him the number 1 wrestler as part of their PS 50. Considering Power Slam put considerable coverage on Japan and the indies, their choice that year reflected that Hunter really was the best in the industry. He started the year with a brilliant hardcore brawl against Mick Foley at Royal Rumble. Next up was the equally stunt filled Hell In A Cell match at No Way Out, before we got the WrestleMania main event of Hunter as defending champion vs Rock vs Big Show vs Foley at Mania 2000. The Game actually managed to retain that night, which is rarity for a heel champion. That allowed the WWF to promote Triple H vs The Rock at Backlash 2000, which ended up doing a massive buyrate for a B show. The evidence was clear, Triple H had earned the right to call himself a main event draw. He remained on good form for the rest of the year, notably in feuds with Kurt Angle and Steve Austin.