15 Things You Forgot About Triple H's Rise To Power In WWE

3. He Moved To Alabama For A Year In 2001 To Recover From Injury

Unfortunately for Triple H, his year of elite form came to an end in 2001. He suffered a freak quad tear on the May 21st Raw, his entire left leg suffering the devastation of his quadriceps muscle coming off the bone. Make no mistake about it, that should have been the end of Triple H's career. Dr James Andrews was matter of fact with the wrestler, telling him that nobody had ever came back from this injury. That wasn't just a statement about pro wrestling - there was no evidence of any athlete ever recovering from a quad tear. NFL players had been forced to retire with the injury. Hunter's chances didn't look good. Here's where his self discipline and determination comes in though. He sought out the best rehab physio in America and then moved his entire life to where he was located. Relocating to Alabama for a year, all Hunter did was hit the rehab centre from 9am to 8pm. He'd then go back to the hotel he was living out of and rest up until the next day. He did this continuously, even on weekends. Less than nine months after suffering the tear, Hunter was back in the ring. How did he have so much resolve and patience to get back in condition? In 'Making The Game' he credits the discipline he learned in the gym. Lifting weights you learn that over time you get results for exertion put in. Slowly but surely, as Hunter pushed his leg, it started to recover.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.