15 Things You Forgot About Triple H's Rise To Power In WWE

14. An Accomplished Businessman Before Wrestling

Now that Hunter is involved in WWE's corporate operations, some fans ask 'what qualifies that guy to work in business?' What they forget, or just don't know, is that Paul Levesque was actually a successful businessman before wrestling. He started hanging out at the gym so much, that he eventually got a job. Just a short time later, he had been promoted to branch manager. Managing the Gold's Gym in Nashua, New Hampshire, Levesque made a lot of money. He helped the gym to succeed and in the process became rich in his own right. He was certainly making more money as a manager than he would as a wrestler in those early grappling days. It was a respectable job, one he could have made a great career out of. He actually kept managing the gym all the way up until 1994 when he signed with WCW. The lessons he learned in management and the real world background undoubtedly helped him later in his wrestling career.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.