15 Things You Forgot About Triple H's Rise To Power In WWE
13. He Worked The Indies
There's this perception that Triple H was just a bodybuilder who got into wrestling. Wrong. He was a lifelong pro wrestling fan, particularly fond of the Nature Boy Ric Flair. If you take a look at photos of Hunter from his younger years, he's actually wearing his hair just like Naitch. Another misconception about Triple H is that he didn't work the indies, or that he hates indies. Wrong again, he worked the indies way before he did WCW or WWF. He broke into the business by talking to Ted Arcidi in the gym. Arcidi was a bodybuilder who'd had a go at pro wrestling, but he strongly cautioned Levesque against it, warning there wasn't much money in it. Hunter didn't care. He wanted to give it a go, just like bodybuilding, he wanted to put some effort in and see what results came out of it. Arcidi ended up putting him in touch with Walter 'Killer' Kowalski, who ran a gritty and harsh pro wrestling school in the north east. It wasn't long before The Game had emerged as a standout student, quickly going on to work the independent scene. He impressed audiences in the IWF, in addition to other smaller shows. However, his ambitions were much bigger than that.