15 Things You Need To Know About Chyna

1. She Moved To Japan To Teach English

Chyna Japan Having conquered the wrestling world, experienced life in the porn industry, and had battles with her demons, Joanie Laurer decided that a new path was to be forged. And so she moved to Japan to teach English. Having butted heads with some goliaths of the squared circle, you€™d have to think that dealing with a group of kids is a walk in the park in comparison. The exact details on Joanie€™s teaching career are hazy, but it€™s believed that the age group she is teaching is grammar school children. Laurer was still working in Japan as of the end of 2014 and it€™s believed that she€™s still there at present. Some of the more recent comments from Joanie, be it through social media, interviews or video blogs, seem to find her in a far happier place than she€™s been in many a year and she seems to have found some form of peace from the darker elements of life. Whether Joanie Laurer eventually ends up in the WWE Hall of Fame at some point, that remains to be seen. For what she accomplished in Vince McMahon€™s organisation and the barriers that she smashed through, undoubtedly she deserves a spot in the HOF. The big question is whether the powers that been at Titan Towers can look past some of Joanie€™s post-WWF life. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2gs921_10-wrestlers-who-did-porn_fun
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