15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

7. Chris Jericho Calls €œHimself€ A Sell-Out

Sometimes you have to admire the gall and the intellect of hackers who manage to gain access to a celebrity's social media accounts and poses as them seamlessly (or uses the profile to right some perceived wrongs in the world). That's not the case with the Chris Jericho hack, though. That was apparently perpetrated by someone without an ounce of imagination, whose pearls of wisdom included "confessing" that Jericho was a sell-out and WWE was managed by "brain dead morons." If nothing else, the whole situation is regrettable because it shows how little WWE had a handle on making sure their stars kept their profiles secure. For a company so heavily linked to social media behaviour, that's pretty shameful. The Excuse/Apology There wasn't one necessary, as the hacker - apparently part of the presumably very employable Galvanize Mob - outright admitted to the hi-jinx. Jericho deleted the tweets when he got his account back.
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