15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

8. Michael Cole's Horribly Timed "Joke"

In a stunningly unfortunate moment of timing, under two weeks after WWE teamed up with GLAAD to curb homophobic slurs in wrestling, one of the company's top ringside men slung one at a fellow announcer over Twitter. Cole obviously plays up his heel persona on Twitter, but there's a line and even the manner of his follow-up when it came suggests that there was still something fundamentally wrong with the way some WWE employees think of derogatory homophobic language. The Excuse/Apology Cole deleted the tweet pretty swiftly and offered a public apology, claiming it wasn't meant the way it was taken. So presumably Cole was calling Young a small British meatball wrapped in pig's stomach, then?
"I apologize to any and all who were offended by my tweet toward young Josh Mathews. It was obviously not meant the way it was taken. I was not ordered to apologize I said I am sorry because I am. Now can I get back to being a character again please?€
Inevitably, there was an outpouring of fans showing solidarity, saying it was another example of the PC brigade gone too far, which is pretty much exactly the same defence used for the use of antiquated and supposedly victimless racist abuse.
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