15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

5. Ryback Calls CM Punk Fragile

The sheer number of tweets that have been deleted by Ryback could probably populate their own list.

The hulking star very much has his own hype-building approach to Twitter: tweet something sensational, delete it, reference it in a follow-up tweet. It's a pretty smart game on social media.

And inevitably, if he sees an injustice against his good name, he's going to respond on Twitter, as he did when CM Punk called him "steroid guy" and a careless worker on purpose:

"For the record if I quit for being fragile and insecure I would make up excuses too. Things didn't go my way for a long time and I kept... Going day in and out. Slander is a powerful thing and to state complete made up nonsense for no reason shows his insecurities. I will... Continue to bust my ass study matches every chance I get, cut promos when driving and push myself for hours on end even when hurt. Thank you."

For some reason he then deleted the tweet, inevitably giving conspiracy theorists fuel for the fire and potentially giving WWE a problem by its conspicuous disappearance.

The Excuse/Apology

Ryback attempted to draw a line under the issue by offering a supervillain like threat that he'd tell the truth on CM Punk one day.

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