15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

4. Chris Jericho Backs Bill DeMott

When the accusations of abuse levelled at Bill DeMott came to light, Chris Jericho was quick to publicly defend his friend, saying his treatment at the Hart Brothers camp was far worse and basically inviting the complainants to put up or shut up.

While his inclination to defend a friend is honourable, that's not actually what Jericho did. DeMott had claimed his innocence and resigned to save the company any embarrassment. Unfortunately, Jericho basically confirmed that his abuses might well have had basis in fact (if there was really any doubt), which he someone presumably realised as the tweet of support was quietly deleted.

The Excuse/Apology

There wasn't any, the tweet simply disappeared, but it doesn't take too much imagination to see why Jericho publicly backing DeMott's actions in those terms could be damaging for WWE.

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