15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

11. Ricardo Rodriguez Questions HHH€™s Social Manners

Another situation Konnan offered public comment on came when Ricardo Rodriguez lifted the lid on his own treatment at the hands of WWE's upper hierarchy. Rodriguez was canned at the end of July 2014, and took to Twitter two weeks later when it was revealed that Kevin Steen had been signed by the company to reveal how Triple H had treated him:
"Congrats.. I hope he at least looked at you while shaking hands at one point and did call you fat as f*ck. #OhMemories."
His weight had apparently been a point of issue for WWE, and could have expedited his departure, though Rodriguez seemed to suggest that the company - or HHH at least - never took enough of a shine to him to even treat him with dignity.
"#BumbleBee was his name for me€ Don't even think he ever knew my real name,"
Mysteriously, both tweets have since been deleted, but the residual accusations against Triple H - which feed into wider portrait of him as some sort of toxic professional - remain. The Excuse/Apology The deleted tweets are something of a mystery. Perhaps Rodriguez had a moment of weakness in light of Alberto Del Rio's sacking? Perhaps they were "uncharacteristic"? Or maybe he was slapped with a dreaded "you'll never work in this town again" warning...
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