15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

12. Konnan Accuses WWE Of Racism

https://twitter.com/Konnan5150/status/497970676805140480 Given WWE's apparent zero tolerance policy on workplace harassment and commitment to "providing a work environment that is free from harassment, whether that harassment is premised on sex, race, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin or any other legally protected basis" their treatment of Alberto Del Rio still seems somewhat odd. Del Rio was notoriously let go by the company for retaliating to allegedly racist remarks made - somewhat ironically in this case - by WWE's social media manager Cody Barbierri with a slap across the face. Despite being told nothing would happen, he was then fired by Triple H, and an almighty can of worms opened, with cross-accusations of unprofessionalism and racism at the highest level (including against HHH). One vocal supporter of Del Rio emerged in the shape of Cuban former WCW, ECW and WWF star Konnan (formerly the ridiculous Max Moon) who took to his Twitter account to accuse WWE (and the industry in wider terms) of institutional racism, offering ominous threats that the truth would emerge. Atypically for this list, the tweets weren't deleted. The Excuse/Apology There hasn't been an apology, and nor is there likely to be one, as the tweets renamed undeleted. Konnan has subsequently accused Vince McMahon (who he once had a good relationship with) of not getting that wrestling has a reach to all ethnicities, despite his father recognising the fact.
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