15 Tweets WWE & TNA Don't Want You To Find

9. When "Cesaro" Wished McMahon Gets Cancer

Sometimes even the confession of a hacker can seem too good to be true, especially when a WWE star is seen to be unfairly treated by the company and bilious messages appear on their social media swiftly afterwards. But that was apparently the case when some vileness appeared on Cesaro's account aimed at Vince McMahon. Someone posing as the star piled onto WWE bad run of social media issues saying he was "sick of Vince McMahon and his bullsh*t€ before adding he hoped the "old man gets cancer". Inevitably, the tweets have been deleted but there's no escaping the fact that they channelled a very real feeling of frustration in fans at the treatment of the Swiss Superman. In that respect, WWE probably wishes the whole affair is left swept under the rug. The Excuse/Apology It wasn't him. The hacker quickly showed themselves to be an impostor, but not before getting #PushCesaro to trend.
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