With all the benefits of being champion comes all of the drawbacks. Being a champion entails upholding certain responsibilities and behaving in a particular way. For example, each title has to be defended at least every 30 days. Or is supposed to be - we're looking at you, Dean Ambrose. Failing to defend the title on a regular basis is cause to have it removed from you, as Shawn Michaels famously once found out. There's been other reasons why champions have been stripped of the title. Undertaker had the World title taken from him for winning it with Hell's Gate (which was an illegal move at the time). Edge received the same treatment for using the Spear on Dolph Ziggler. Others have had it taken simply because the person in charge simply didn't like them. Stripping champions of their title is one of the most unpopular ways of moving a title from one guy to another, because everyone would rather see a match instead. It also feels a bit cheap, and raises doubts about why fans should buy PPVs where titles change, when GMs, COOs and the like can remove titles at will.