Since his return to television, The Miz has taken the old characteristics of the classic heel and moulded them into a new modern gimmick, giving a fresh tweak to his formerly stagnant persona. Now sporting his 'moneymaker' after his time in Hollywood, Mr. Mizanin is the quintessential annoying, stuck up jerk that everyone loves to loathe. He may have been hated for a long time prior to his return, but with the additional attire change of sporting sunglasses indoors, the 'most must see superstar in WWE history' has gone even further to making himself look like an idiot. But he loves every second of it. Miz has been fighting a battle against the majority of the WWE fanbase since arriving from his television reality show roots back in 2004, with many thinking that he doesn't belong. But for whatever reason, he's still hated - and as long as he is, he's doing his job correctly. Whether he's bragging that he's bagged a hot wife in former WWE diva Maryse, or he's still going on about winning in the main event of WrestleMania with a concussion, Miz's whole WWE career has been based on making people jealous.
Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.