15 WWE Stars Who Thrived On Being Hated

7. Jim Cornette

The legendary manager of The Midnight Express makes this list not only for his remarkable ability to evoke hatred in the fans he worked in front of, but also for his penchant for doing the same with those worked alongside. Cornette has burned more bridges than a retreating army and he isn't shy about it, p*ssing off everyone that he's ever worked for to the point that his career is now shoot interview appearances and a podcast that is as much abrasive political opinion as it is wrestling talk. But where Jim truly shone was getting heat for his charges. The Midnight Express was an incredible tag team, but they wouldn't have achieved a fraction of the success they did with the tennis racket-wielding loudmouth by their side. Similar to Jimmy Hart, Cornette was animated and obnoxious, but where Hart came off like a harmless cartoon character Cornette was grating and offensive in all the best ways.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.