16 Awesome Stories From Eddie Guerrero Tribute On Talk Is Jericho

12. Eddie vs. Germany

Dean tells a funny story about a show WWE ran in Germany. At this point Malenko had already retired from active competition and had transitioned into a backstage role as an agent. When you're an agent, if a mach or a show falls apart a lot of the heat from that fall on you. The show in question featured a match between Eddie Guerrero and John Bradshaw Layfield. Guerrero - a notorious hothead - was having a hard time with the reaction he was getting from the fans. Even though he was a babyface at the time they weren't going along with him and he was being heckled. Eventually he just snapped, rolled out of the ring to grab the microphone and cut a scathing promo on the fans. According to Dean, he really ran down the crowd and the entire country and basically said "I hate all you stupid Germans." Malenko was freaking out because he was worried about getting heat from the office, but nothing every came of it. Later that night he received a knock on his hotel room door, and it was Eddie with the famous "Guerrero slouch" as Jericho calls it. He had come to apologize for losing his temper earlier and to make sure Malenko hadn't gotten in any trouble. He told his friend that everything was fine and to go to sleep.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.