16 Most Illustrious Fake Families In Wrestling History

4. Edge And Christian

Brothers Of Destruction Undertaker Kane

In later years, WWE was open about the fact that Edge and Christian were childhood friends who grew up to live their dream together. "Edge and Christian are like brothers!" they would say, but that simile was originally a direct claim. When Christian first debuted in his Mina Murray nightie, he was explicitly stated to be Edge's estranged younger brother, under the thrall of the sinister Gangrel.

WWE never really elaborated on the spooky family history that led to the two "brothers" into a Lost Boys-style shadow world, but there were a few other members, technically speaking.

Edge briefly married Vickie Guerrero, meaning that all extant Guerreros are related to he and Christian by law. And, let us never forget, Christian's grandmother was Luxembourgeois, which he claimed made him the ideal European Champion.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.