16 Purest Babyfaces In Wrestling History

5. Tito Santana

Ricky Steamboat

Tito Santana was WWE's prototypical upper-midcard babyface, a solid fan favorite who was constantly in IC title contention and could be (rarely) plugged in to a main event program. It's the same role that Kofi Kingston played from 2007-2014, and the one currently being eased into by Dean Ambrose. The difference is that Santana, in his entire 40 year career, never once played a heel.

For four full decades, Tito's been humbly plying his craft and waving to fans as he just gives it his all, darn it. There just wasn't a heelish bone in the guy's body. Tito's still active on the indies today, so chances are that this very weekend he'll be gingerly pumping his fist from the apron waiting for that hot tag somewhere in America.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.