17 Early 90s WCW Stars You Totally Don't Remember

2. Johnny B. Badd

When pro wrestling fans think of effeminate characters, names from the past such as Gorgeous George routinely come up. Others may reference the early nuances of Goldust as a classic example, but only a handful of folks will start waxing lyrical about Johnny B. Badd. The brainchild of Dusty Rhodes during one of his reigns as booker in WCW, Badd was seemingly only on screen to look, talk and act like the musician, Little Richard. More observant viewers may also remark that the effeminate gimmick played by Rico Constantino around 2004 is very similar, but that character had some elements of mind-games. Johnny B. Badd was just flat out fruity. After leaving WCW in 1996, the man would go by his real name in WWE, Marc Mero. Most fans remember him more fondly for that time period, and his association with Sable, rather than for wearing lipstick and feather boas!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.